Saturday, February 20, 2010

Life's little instructions

Just like me, mom and dad are not real big on traveling (hummm, I wonder where they got that ...), but ... they do have a little get away down in Ketchum Idaho. I just love it when they arrive home after one of their jaunts to the condo because they are always loaded up with new fun treasures and surprises from their rounds in the “gently used stuff” shops (namely, The Barkin’ Basement and The Gold Mine).

The most coveted item from this trip was one of those framed inspirational message deals - this one is entitled “Life’s Little Instructions” - by H. Jackson Brown Jr. Usually, I don’t take the time to read these things all the way through, but once I got a couple of lines into it, I deemed it the cutest poem ever, and stole it from Mom.

Since the piece technically qualifies as swindled property, I can’t sell it - but it is on display in my shop and if you want to stop by and see if you like it too, I would be delighted to share a copy.

Here is a photo of the real thing -- a treasure worth repeating! Duncans favorite line is the one that says “have a dog” ... go figure!

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