Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

This week I dedicate my Friday Note to two things ... objects ... oh .. whatever ...
1) A new roll around kitchen cart - who is doing everything it can find a home to be helpful in for the upcoming holiday.

2) Duncan and his dog friends - who are doing everything they can to be miserable and pathetic for the upcoming holiday.
Let’s start in a happy place with the kitchen cart.  Take a look at this little gem that just rolled back into my shop.  It’s been out to the folks’ place for a little TLC and when it rolled back into Echo this week, it looked fresh, clean, revived, renewed and ready for work!  It is solid wood construction with a sleek copper towel rack, super fast five point wrap around casters (from Home Depot!) and a “Good Stuff” finish!
It is hankering to find a new home where it can join in the holiday festivities ... like flying over here to cut up the watermelon, flying over there to pat out the hamburgers, holding a glass of wine and at the end of the meal, displaying the holiday cupcakes.
Now let’s talk about our furry friends.  From what I can gather, they aren’t exactly tickled about this holiday.  Duncan has spent the past week grumping around, hiding under beds, and watching TV instead in the safety of his home instead of going for his beloved  walks.  I’m guessing that most of his friends are kind of doing the same.  My only advise here is to leave it up to them just how and where they want to be helpful and involved and maybe ... a little extra milk bone or two will cheer them up a bit!

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